Recently the war the throne of Tamil Nadu is going on after the death of their CM Ms. J Jailalitha who was known as amma of TN and was a very visionary leader and the Main competitors are Mr. O Paneerselvam (Former CM of Tamil Nadu) and Mrs. Sasikala Natrajan (General Secretory of AIADMK). O Paneerselvam has resigned from his post some days ago and now sasikla natrajan is all set to make her own government in state soon she will get green signal from Governor of State as Governor has accepted resignation of O Paneerselvam but the question is that People of tamil nadu will accept her as CM in state or not because recently i was watching the comments of the people of TN maximum are against Sasikla because they think that she is resposible for amma's death because she was suspened by J Jailalitha some years ago because she thought that sasikala wants to kill her and thats a reason that people of TN will not going to accept her
Mr. O Paneerselvam was closest to J Jailalitha and has been CM of state Thrice but never completed a single term and many says that he is not a visionary leader like J Jailalitha but still he is considered as a honest and experienced leader
so it will be very interesting to see what will happen next
Mr. O Paneerselvam was closest to J Jailalitha and has been CM of state Thrice but never completed a single term and many says that he is not a visionary leader like J Jailalitha but still he is considered as a honest and experienced leader
so it will be very interesting to see what will happen next
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