Recently New York Times, Washington Post , The guardian and many more newspapers of USA & UK has printed the editorials on the new CM of UP Yogi Adityanath by saying that appointment of Yogi Adityanath as CM of UP is the Introduction of Hidden Hindu state agenda they also criticised the Indian system in 2014 when Narender Modi won the the election they said that Hindu Taliban is coming Here some objectionalble articles which western newspapers has written about India and Government 1. The guardian also appealed to people on 11 April 2014 that if PM Modi become PM of India then it will be a great danger for the India well 2 years has already completed but we never noticed any any type of danger in the country 2. The 19 Editorial board of New York Times appealed that Narender Modi should be defeated and many critics of Narender Modi supported them 3. The guardian also published an editorial on 18 April 20...
Author - Aakash Dutta