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Showing posts from October, 2017

हरियाणा: हरियाली का राज्या

आज पूरे हरियाणा हरियाणा दिवस मना रहे हैं 52 साल पहले इस दिन प्रधान मंत्री इंदिरा गांधी के नेतृत्व में केंद्र सरकार ने पंजाब राज्य का विभाजन किया और एक नए राज्य का जन्म हुआ और यह राज्य हरियाणा था और भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस नेता शंकर दयाल शर्मा   मुख्यमंत्री   बने    जो कि चौंकाने वाला था क्योंकि शंकर दयाल शर्मा पंजाब   के विभाजन के एक आलोचक थे , लेकिन फिर भी वे राज्य की मुख्यमंत्री   बन गए , लेकिन सिर्फ एक वर्ष तक और इन 52 वर्षों में हरियाणा ने बहुत कुछ हासिल किया है जो की इस प्रकार है 1 हरयाणा में गरीबी की संख्या सिर्फ 11.06% है 2 पढ़े लिखों की संख्या 68% है 3 बेटी बचाओ बेटी का नारा सबसे ज़्यादा हरयाणा में रोशन हुआ जहाँ 1000 लड़को पर 950 लड़कियां हैं जो की       इस साल के मार्च महीने का आंकड़ा है 4  जिलावार आंकड़ों के अनुसार , कैथल , रोहतक , झज्जर , गुरुग्राम , भिवानी , जिंद , फतेहाबाद , पंचकुला , रेवार...

Let's Not Make it a Communal Issue

After supreme court decision to ban sale of fireworks in Delhi i have seen that many people are angry and some of them are making it a religious issue in which a Notable Fiction Writer of India is also involve i was shocked by that because i heard many of them that they are Indian first so if they are Indian first then why they are against Supreme Court of India are they lying at that moment but leave this topic  I only want to say that as a Indians we should obey the court rulings because court has never ever gave judgements by seeing your religion, caste. creed and gender etc.. and let's not forget that Court has not banned Fire Cracker using in Diwali they just only banned sale of cracker in Delhi In the eyes of Law we all are equal.  # LetsNotMakeitCommunal

Delhi Government V/S Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Again

Some days back Delhi government has passed a proposal in Delhi Legislative Assembly of Regularising more than 17000 Guest and Contract teachers and convert their job profile from Temporary to Permanent it is a welcome but again LG of Delhi has stood like a Rock in this he refused to sign it because they say Regularising Teachers comes under Service and it is beyond Delhi Government work area well that was shocking because BJP government always  made promise to regularise Contract teachers and recently Meenakshi Lekhi BJP MP has talked about the worst economic condition of Contract Lecturer in United States of America Today I was watching a Report on how Contract Lecturer of Delhi University are living in backward areas of Delhi although they have good salary but due to perception that their job is not permanent they are forced to spend less and save more so that in Unemployment times it will help them despite of this fact that there are n number of vacant posts if professors is th...

US should Re-Think About Gun Culture

शुक्र है कि हथ्यार रखना हमारा मौलिक अधिकार नही है After Las Vegas Incident a new debate on Gun policy in USA is started in USA u can easily buy Weapons andnow public demanding new Gun Policy in USA but Weapons Industry doesn't want new Gun Policy because Every year Ammunition Industry earns 91000 crore rs per year from Ammunition selling in United States Every year 12000 people losses there life in United States in Firings by weapons  In Last 50 years more than 15 Lac people  has lost there life in USA . I belive that there should be strict norms as par as Weapons Policy is concern like we have in India So I also support new Guns Policy in USA I remember I read somewhere that when our Constituent assembly of India was making laws for India Dr Syama Prasad mookherjee Proposed the right to bear arms should be a fundamental right but many people at that time doesn't supported that Rajkumari Amrit Kaur said By keeping arms the chances of loss of life's and property will incre...

दक्षिणपंथी द्वारा लिबेराल्स को गलत दिखाने की साज़िश

इतिहास हमेशा से इस बात का गवाह रहा है कि चरमपंथी और नारामपंथ हमेशा से एक दूसरे के खिलाफ ही रहे हैं जिसका कारण उनके बीच का वैचारिक मतभेद है हालांकि यह बात सब लोगो पर लागू नही होती है इतिहास तो गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले जैसे नरमपंथी और बल गंगाधर तिलक जैसे चरमपंथी नेताओ का भी ज़िक्र करता है जो भले ही एक दूसरे के खिलाफ खड़े रहे हो पर एक दूसरे की इज़्ज़त पूरे करते थे चरमपंथी मैं सबसे बड़ा तबका दक्षिणपंथी लोगो का है और उनकी दो किसम की विचारधाराओ से नही बनती है और वो है मार्क्सवाद और लिबरलवाद और ऐसे...