Some days back Delhi government has passed a proposal in Delhi Legislative Assembly of Regularising more than 17000 Guest and Contract teachers and convert their job profile from Temporary to Permanent it is a welcome but again LG of Delhi has stood like a Rock in this he refused to sign it because they say Regularising Teachers comes under Service and it is beyond Delhi Government work area well that was shocking because BJP government always made promise to regularise Contract teachers and recently Meenakshi Lekhi BJP MP has talked about the worst economic condition of Contract Lecturer in United States of America
Today I was watching a Report on how Contract Lecturer of Delhi University are living in backward areas of Delhi although they have good salary but due to perception that their job is not permanent they are forced to spend less and save more so that in Unemployment times it will help them despite of this fact that there are n number of vacant posts if professors is their not only in DU but in each and every university in India
So this issue is very big then LG and Central government is standing against it
Today I was watching a Report on how Contract Lecturer of Delhi University are living in backward areas of Delhi although they have good salary but due to perception that their job is not permanent they are forced to spend less and save more so that in Unemployment times it will help them despite of this fact that there are n number of vacant posts if professors is their not only in DU but in each and every university in India
So this issue is very big then LG and Central government is standing against it
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