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Showing posts from February, 2018

Is it right that level of Debate went Down on some news channels

In today's modern media world there are debate shows on the news channels inclduing the evening slot of 5 PM then Primetime slot started from 9-11 PM and on some news channels on 8 of every day there is a debate show on each and every news channel whether it is a hindi news channel, English news channel or any regioanl news channel but today i was watching a Interview of Ashutosh of aam admi party on where the anchor asked him to compare that the level of debate during your time when you was a journalist and anchor were low or is it now became low he  replied that now it has went down and all credit goes to the those where the people tries to speak over each other and everyone shouts on each other and they also tries to derail the main topic of discussion it has became a boxing match where everyone wants to punch other with his/her words.and now there is a lack of Intellectualism in the debate and i have seen some media reporters saying that tod...

In Solidarity with the Tribal Man Lynched to Death

Some days a Tribal Unsounded mind man Madhu was lynched to death by some goons allegedly for stealing food because he was hungry and mob killed him. It is a shameful thing that no one says anything thing to those corporate , bureaucrats and politicians who steals billion dollars of Indian tax payers but they punish these poor and unsound minded people just for stealing food but after this incident police of Kerala has arrested 2 people who were alleged in this murder i want to ask these people that killing is a crime and who gave you the right to kill a man for stealing there is a law and order which you also don't respect just like those scamsters and people like you are not good for my nation and i am very happy that police of Kerala state has worked actively on this case and they have arrested 2 convicts and hope other 13 murderers will be arrested soon i got this information from the tweet of P Vijayan Honourable CM of Kerala Just after his murder the murder of Madhu hi...

शिवाजी महाराज के बारे में कुछ ताथ्या

हमारे देश के इतिहास में सबसे प्रगतिशील और समझदार शासकों में से एक था छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज उनकी बहादुरी की किस्से अनगिनत हैं और उनकी जीत की कहानियाँ असंख्य हैं। लेकिन जहां महानता है, वहाँ हमेशा गलत धारणा है कुछ लोगों ने अक्सर उनके बारे में एक क्रूर तानाशाह के रूप में सोचा है, जबकि कुछ ने उन्हें धर्मनिरपेक्ष विरोधी होने की निंदा की है। यह सब और कई चीजें हैं जो वास्तव में तथ्यों से अधिक कथाएं हैं तथ्यों के बारे में बात करते हुए, हम सीधे रिकॉर्ड सेट करते हैं और इतिहास के महानतम मराठा शासक के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करते हैं। यहां आपके बारे में कुछ ताथ्या जिनके बारे में आपको जानना चाहिए 1 वह बेहद धर्मनिरपेक्ष थे। एक समय था जब सभी राज्य सख्ती से अपने धार्मिक विश्वासों के साथ चिपके हुए थे और दूसरों के साथ काम कर रहे थे, शिवाजी आश्चर्यजनक रूप से सभी धर्मों में बहुत ही मिलनसार थे।  लेकिन उन्होंने अपनी धार्मिक जड़ें पर कभी समझौता नहीं किया और हिंदुत्व के सभी सकारात्मक पहलुओं को फिर से शुरू करने की कोशिश की। उन्होंने उन लोगों की मदद की जो हिंदू धर्म में परिवर्तित करना चाहत...

Why Indian Secularism is Different from western one

Some days back i had an argument on twitter with some my fellow Indians who was cursing the secularism and one of them has written in his profile that he is anti secularism i asked them why they are against secularism then they told me to go to google and search the Defination of secularism and i found that it is anti religion but from my childhood i have listened a very different definition of secularism in which i learned to respect all the religions, caste, creed and genders and that was a moment when i realised that Indian secularism is Different from the western one and at that time i also realised that Indian secularism is there in many of fellow Indians even those who are anti secularism because for them secularism means anti religion which is a western thought but i say only one thing that Socialism and Democracy these words has came from western ideologies  but still it was there in the Indian Ideology as well to Understand this point i will qu...

Stand Against Hate

Today AIMIM Chief Assad Ud Din Owasi demanded in Loksabha for a law that send all those people behind the bars who compare Indian Muslim with Pakistan (Although his brother is also well known for his one hate preaching statements) on that statement Another communal leader Vinay Katyar demanded to throw the Muslim out of nation and another VHP Leader on a Indian news channel said that 99% anti nationals are Muslims i think we need to make a list of anti nationals are Muslims but i want to ask these communal leaders like them that when in 2016 The Vice President of Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Mahasabha said that republic day is black day and we don't support the Indian Constitution because we want a one religion state then why didn't you called them anti nationals just because they are your supporters that is the reason you support anti nationals and you call other's anti national what kind of people you are shame on you people moreover these has also compared Muslims with those...

Demand to Decriminlaise the Criminal Defamation

Last year when a journalist of an Popular Website wrote a Investigative article against a Powerful Politician son she and her news website was slapped with a defamation notice of Rs 100 crore and in that notice it was written that if anyone tries to write anything about this story they will also face similar action and just due to that many Hindi and English news papers except 1 or 2 choose not do publish and show this story although some regional news papers of west bengal, Punjab, Odhisa, West Bengal published that news in there columns which i believe was a great move but this whole incident started a new debate that is the Criminal Defamation has became a tool for the politicians to pressurise media who is anti establishment may be that is true and in history there are many incidents which proved that how some people tries to dominate the voice of the media by the legal means 1 In 1964 New York Times published a advertisement in the in there news...