Last year when a journalist of an Popular Website wrote a Investigative article against a Powerful Politician son she and her news website was slapped with a defamation notice of Rs 100 crore and in that notice it was written that if anyone tries to write anything about this story they will also face similar action and just due to that many Hindi and English news papers except 1 or 2 choose not do publish and show this story although some regional news papers of west bengal, Punjab, Odhisa, West Bengal published that news in there columns which i believe was a great move but this whole incident started a new debate that is the Criminal Defamation has became a tool for the politicians to pressurise media who is anti establishment may be that is true and in history there are many incidents which proved that how some people tries to dominate the voice of the media by the legal means
1 In 1964 New York Times published a advertisement in the in there newspaper which was related to Civil Rights movement lead by Dr Martin Luther King Jr.. in that advertisement it was written that how some people are pressurising those who are standing against the Racial Discrimination and just after that a police commissioner filled a Criminal Defamation Suit against the NY Times in March 1964 and after that many people came up in favour of NY Times and then supreme court of america gave a Important judgement and I quote "You cannot file a criminal defamation against any newspaper and journalist for writing something which you don't like even if there is an issue of some accuracy even then you cannot file a criminal defamation
2 Many decades back in 80's an Indian Chief Minister Introduced a Press bill which many journalist said that it is anti media because this bill had proposed to give the state government the authority to prevent printing and publishing of “grossly indecent and scurrilous matter or matters” intended to blackmail. Any such matter published in newspapers and periodicals and circulars or exhibited or distributed could be held against journalists, editors and distributing agents but after one year due to High opposition That chief Minister took that bill back and never ever he said anything against any news channel, Newspaper or any journalist who wrote against him
3 Many of the Indian journalists have written books on the defamation cases by the businessman, Politicians or by an commom man.
So these are some of the cases although there are n number of cases outside
In the free democracy media is the 4th pillar and this criminal defamation is the enemy of the free press thinking we should know that it is the motive of the Honourable media of the nation to print a story which they think public should now and then this is what they get there is not a single party in today's scenario which hasn't used this Criminal Defamation to finish the voice of there critics
Today even politicians are also facing this same issue just 3 years back a political party accused a central minister in a Corruption case the that Central Minister filled a defamation case against that political party although when that central minister was in opposition he also accused many governments for the corruption but now when he faced this same issue he filled Defamation Oh god what kind of people these politicians are a total headache for me. some years back there was law if you write anything against the government you will be jailed infect in 2013 a Activist in Uttar Pradesh got arrested on the orders of a Minister of UP Government because he wrote a post on Facebook against the UP Government for transferring an Honest and Innocent Police officer but that activist got bail on next day by the court. so these are some examples to see what is happening.
But today many Big politicians are demanding to decriminalise this criminal defamation don't know what will happen next let's see to it i hope that honourable supreme court will do something to solve this issue.
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