Some days a clash happened in the Ramjas college of Delhi University and the reason was that ABVP said that The anti India slogans were Raised over there by the members of AISA Lead by Sheila Rashid and BASO Lead by Umar Khalid who were invited over there and then the members of ABVP attacked their protest and It is also said that many student teachers and Journalist got Injured
Well my views on this is that
1. I slams AISA & BASO if any slogan raised against my country and i say that it is seditious and it will not be tolerated and if these Union proved culprit then I demand Arrest of these students as per law
2. I also Slams ABVP for the violence in the Campus they should know that there is a law and order in India which they are violating and they have no right and therefore there should be action against them
3. If Principle as cancelled the Permission for the Program so who gave the right to them to Perform this Function when it is written in Rule book that u cannot do any function in college Premises without Principle Permission
Well my views on this is that
1. I slams AISA & BASO if any slogan raised against my country and i say that it is seditious and it will not be tolerated and if these Union proved culprit then I demand Arrest of these students as per law
2. I also Slams ABVP for the violence in the Campus they should know that there is a law and order in India which they are violating and they have no right and therefore there should be action against them
3. If Principle as cancelled the Permission for the Program so who gave the right to them to Perform this Function when it is written in Rule book that u cannot do any function in college Premises without Principle Permission
I also say that In country u have right to speak but you don't have right to raise Anti India Slogans plus u also have no right to start violence
Student Unions need to maintain Decorum of college
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