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Showing posts from June, 2018

Hinduism : A Belief and a Thought

Some days back I read a book in which   there was a great definition of Hinduism and that was That it is not a religion but a Belief and also it is kind of Intellectualism with a diversity of thoughts, literature and practices and the basis and as par as the Hinduism thought on the life is concern so it is Soul has a Body where other says Body has a soul   and that is why it has a belief in the reincarnation (That is my Point of View) and Hinduism is also a diverse culture because this has many discourse as well the biggest example is Bhagwat Gita which is based on the Discourse by Arjuna and that leads to lot to rise of Intellectual thoughts within the society and some of the points which proves Hinduism a Pluralist, Intellectual  and also a very wider thought society .  1.      In Hinduism the 9 forms of Goddess Durga were equally followed and worshipped like the Trideva means Brahama Vishnu and Mahesha   2.    ...

Politics on Social Media after the Breakup of BJP-PDP Alliance

Some days back a big political movement happened in the J&K State where BJP who was in the coalition of government took their support back from the CM Mehbooba Mufti Governor they gave letter to the Mr NN Vohra Governor of State for taking support back at that time CM Mehbooba was working in her office when she received   a call from Governor Office when she came to know about this and she suddenly said “No need to call BJP members I will submit my resignation” as some media reports said after this on social media whole India has started a debate on this issue In many social media sites, newspapers and some news channels are saying that this is an end of a “Unholy alliance” and after that many social media sites are showing Mehbooba Mufti as a villain and a main reason for the current Kashmir situation and some people are also blaming Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru for the current situation because of his Kashmir policy in later 40’s but here 2 question arises 1 For last 3 y...

How and When Arvind Kejriwal and his party was targeted by the media and other mainstream parties

Right now there is a huge clash in  Delhi between lieutenant governor and the Chief Minister of the State but this is not the new thing. In year 2015 Arvind Kejriwal became the chief minister of the Delhi 2nd time and right after that whole world notices how some media houses and other political parties attacked him contentiously and how his power was tried to take away from him and there are many Incidents which shows that how central government tried to pressurise him  Anti Corruption Burro In year 2016 Central Government taken anti corruption Burro in there hands before that it was in the hands of the state Government of Delhi and at that time the ACB was Investigating the water tanker scam which was happened in Delhi during the regime of the Shehila Dixit who was a Congress leader and Chief Minister of Delhi (1998-2013) and at that time Kejriwal told the Delhi assembly that he was unable to act against incidents of corruption of the Congress period because he did...

Banda Singh Bahadur : A journey from a saint to a warrior

Yesterday whole India paid tribute to great Sikh warrior Baba Banda Singh Bahadur who established the 1 st Khalsa Empire he was the disciplined of Guru Gobind Singh (10 th Sikh Guru) when he established the Khalsa Empire Mughals on the orders of Bahadur Shah (7 th Mughal Emperor) raged war against him but never succeeded   and Later became Mughal King Fukhsiyar who was Grandson of Bahadur Shah managed to take control on him under his leadership Mughal army attacked and won lohgarh fort which was the capital of khalsa empire but Banda singh got the chance to flee and then he went in Gurdas Nangal Fort where he fought against the Mughals for 6 months but he was arrested by Mughals because he was having lack of food and ammunition to fight for the 700 soldiers of his army when he was captured his wife and his son ajay singh was with him and then along with his son and 740 Sikhs Mughal army took him to Delhi for where he and his son was imprisoned for 6 months and in the mea...

एक कहानी ब्लू स्टार ऑपरेशन से पहले की

आज सुबह से ही ऑपरेशन ब्लु स्टार पर पूरे सोशल मीडिया में बहस शुरू हो गई है इस पर चर्चा हो रही है की ये फैसला सही था या गलत पर क्या इस बात पर चर्चा नही होनी चाहिए की ऐसा हुआ क्यू और कैसे भारत का एक सबसे आमिर राज्य , खेती प्रधान राज्य   और पूरे भारत का अन्दाता 10 साल तक नरक की आग में जला इस कहानी की शुरुआत कुछ ऐसे हुई १९७७ के आम चुनावो में आपातकाल का फैसला लेने के कारण इंदिरा गाँधी को चुनाव हारना पडा और पंजाब में भी मुख्यमंत्री ज्क्सैल सिंह और कांग्रेस को शिरोमणि अकाली दल ने चुनावो में हारा दिया और फिर प्रकाश सिंह बादल ने पंजाब के नये मुख्यमत्री के रूप में शपथ ली और यही से कांग्रेस ने एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की कोज शुरू की जो की पंजाब में अकाली दल को टक्कर दे सके भारत के बड़े पत्रकार कुलदीप सिंह नय्यर ने अपनी किताब beyond the line an autobiography में लिखा था की दरबारा सिंह और ग्यानी जैल सिंह जी ने 2 आदमियों का चुनाव किया जिन्हें बाद में संजय गाँधी से मिलाया गया पहला व्यक्ति संजय को ख़ास पसंद नही आया पर भिंडरावाले का अक्कड़ और तिक्खे स्वाभाव उन्हें बहूत पसंद आये और उन्होंने आपनी योजना में भ...

कोबरा पोस्ट का सनसनीखेज़ खुलासा : मीडिया का वो हिस्सा जो ज़हर उगलता है

भारत में हमेशा से मीडिया को एक सही नज़रिए से ही देखा गाया हैं सूचना का एक आधार जो सिर्फ सच बोलता हैं और इतिहास में भी मीडिया और पत्रकारिता का एक महात्वपूर्ण स्थान रहा है भारत के राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी जी जब साउथ अफ्रीका में थी तब अमेरिका के मशहूर पत्रकार वेब मिलर उनसे मिलने गाये जहा पर उन्हें वेब मिलर से पत्रकारिता की तारीफ करते हुए यही कहा की समाज को साथ लाने के लिए अख़बार का होना बहूत ही ज़रूरी है और बाद खुद गाँधी जी ने भी इंडिया ओपिनियन , हरिजन और यंग इंडिया नाम से अख़बार और पत्रिकाए निकली और खुद लोकमान्य बल गंगाधर तिलक और गोपाल गणेश अगरकर जैसे क्रन्तिकारी भी केसरी और मराठा जैसे प्रसिद्ध अखबारों के संस्थापक रहे है और खुद पंडित मदन मोहन मालवीय जी ने हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स नाम का एक अख़बार भी निकला जो आज तक चल रहा और भारत के सबसे मशहूर अंग्रेजी अखबारों में से एक है और आज भारत में 21 से भी ज्यादा भाषाओ में अख़बार निकलते है जिनकी गिनते 13000  से भी ज्यादा है लेकिन साथ में मीडिया के और भी हिसे आ गए हैं जिसमे मैगजीन्स हैं जो की 99000 से भी ज्यादा हैं 400 से भी ज्यादा न्यूज़ चैनल्स हैं...