Some days back I read a book in which there was a great definition of Hinduism and that was That it is not a religion but a Belief and also it is kind of Intellectualism with a diversity of thoughts, literature and practices and the basis and as par as the Hinduism thought on the life is concern so it is Soul has a Body where other says Body has a soul and that is why it has a belief in the reincarnation (That is my Point of View) and Hinduism is also a diverse culture because this has many discourse as well the biggest example is Bhagwat Gita which is based on the Discourse by Arjuna and that leads to lot to rise of Intellectual thoughts within the society and some of the points which proves Hinduism a Pluralist, Intellectual and also a very wider thought society . 1. In Hinduism the 9 forms of Goddess Durga were equally followed and worshipped like the Trideva means Brahama Vishnu and Mahesha 2. ...
Author - Aakash Dutta